Wright Collegiate Challenge Featured in Mountain Town Magazine

“Colorado’s mountain town communities have been a fast track incubator since the recession. The passion of the entrepreneurs in our communities and the attributes of our amazing towns were the inspiration behind the launch of Mountain Town Magazine. During that time I was fortunate to meet Chuck Sullivan of Something Independent. It seemed we were on similar paths of discovery and soaking in the inspiration of great people and their dedication to their craft.

The launch of the Wright Awards was a further testament to the power of the entrepreneur. This initiative brought together innovators, place-makers and forward-thinking organizations, helping to awaken ideas, nurture connections and spark new levels of understanding to effect cultural change and reshape the future of work for Coloradoans of all walks of life.

Today an extension of the original The Wright (a Colorado-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to the economic and cultural vitality of communities across Colorado) awards, The Wright Collegiate Challenge, is becoming an annual rite of spring for many outdoor studies students at Colorado Mesa University, Colorado Mountain College Leadville, and Western Colorado University. The Wright Collegiate Challenge culminated on April 25, with a four-student team representing Western’s Outdoor Industry MBA program taking home Best in Class honors for their work with Carbondale-based, mountainFLOW eco-wax.”

Read more at Mountain Town Magazine


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